Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bullshit Bingo


  1. Hey, I don't know if you'd be interested, but I get a regular stream of the same stuff from my grandfather. If you ever run out of these, I've got years of similar messages backed up and I'd be happy to forward them (I think I even MSTed some at one point, after I'd given up replying, but before I'd given up trying to make sense of them.)

  2. It's cute when they try to steal a meme and make it their own.

    The problem is, if you are going to create a "Bullshit Bingo" card, you have to include not only statements that are associated with the speaker (even if s/he never actually said them), but they need to, y'know, be untrue.

    How is it "bullshit" to say "You can keep your present plan", when you can keep your present plan?

    And while I'm asking, how in Heaven's name is it "bullshit" to know how to pronounce "Pakistan" correctly?

  3. Sure thing, Alex. Got an e-mail address?
